Select Your Alert Notifications and Map Markers
SkyTruth Alerts
How-To Guide: Select Your Alert Notifications and Map Markers
To receive email notifications, register for an account and create an Area of Interest (AOI.)
Choose which alerts you would like to see on the SkyTruth Alerts map and which alerts you want to be notified about by email.
When you create an AOI, SkyTruth Alerts automatically sends you email notifications for reports made to the National Response Center, the emergency call center in the United States that fields initial reports for pollution, spills and railroad incidents. You can also receive email notifications about other types of alerts, particularly oil & gas and pollution incidents reported to various states.
To view and/or edit your email notifications:
1. Log in to SkyTruth Alerts.
2.Click the Alerts tab at top left.
3. Select Settings (just below the timeline link). You’ll see a list of all available Alerts.
4. From the list, choose which alerts you want to see on the map and which alerts you want to be notified about. (Find out more about where Alerts come from here.) You can change which alerts you receive at any time by clicking the Settings link again.
5. Click the Submit button. You will start to receive email notifications as soon as we have them. NRC alerts are typically released once a week, usually on Tuesday or Wednesday. State agencies tend to publish alerts more frequently and we check daily for any new ones.
4. Click the Submit button to save your choices.
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