SkyTruth Monitor
How-To Guide
SkyTruth Monitor shows the 100 most-recent Alerts for the area you are currently viewing. To see a different set of Alerts, you can zoom in or out, move around on the map, search for a specific location, select a date range, and/or choose to see only certain types of Alerts.
Note: Registered users can choose to automatically filter the types of Alerts they see. If you are logged in but not seeing expected Alerts types on the map, check Account icon > Settings to make sure they are enabled.
View Alert Report
- Click an alert in the sidebar, or click a map marker.
- A report window will appear with more information about the alert. (The information available varies by the source of the alert.)
- Each report has a unique URL that you can copy and share.
Keyword Search
You can search for alerts using keywords that appear in a report. Typically, this works best if you search for just a single. (This is because the content in a report can often contain hidden code that you don’t see in the report.) Some examples of keyword searches you can do are:
- bigspill (all one word)
- pipeline
- railroad
- taylor energy
- formaldehyde
- incinerator
- oil spill
- gas leak
- Well API number or other unique ID
Note: Because Alerts reports may contain hidden code, copy and paste wellpad numbers or other unique IDs into the keyword search instead of typing them in to get the best search results. Copy/paste will include any hidden code.
Note: Moving around the map with a keyword search may slow down map performance.
Download Alerts
To download Alerts data:
- Set up your map to show only the area you’re interested in. You can use an Area of Interest (AOI) you have created, search for a specific location, or position the map so that it shows the area you are interested in.
- Click the Alerts icon, then choose the types of Alerts you want to download. (You may also need to check your Alerts settings if you don’t see some expected Alerts types.)
- Select a specific date range (optional).
- Click the Download button.
By default, the 100 most recent Alerts for the area you are looking at on the map will be selected for download. However, you can choose to download up to 20,000 Alerts at a time (or as many as are available in your selected area). SkyTruth Monitor has reports going back to 2001.

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