
Papers published by SkyTruth and our partners in peer-reviewed journals



Papers published by SkyTruth and our partners in peer-reviewed journals

Paolo, F.S., Kroodsma, D., Raynor, J. et al. Satellite mapping reveals extensive industrial activity at sea. Nature 625, 85–91 (2024).

Kroodsma, D.A., Hochberg, T., Davis, P.B. et al. Revealing the global longline fleet with satellite radar. Sci Rep 12, 21004 (2022).

Thomas, C.J., Shriver, R.K., Nippgen, F., Hepler, M. and Ross, M.R. (2022) Restor Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript e13827.

Evans MJ, Kay K, Proctor C, Thomas CJ, Malcom JW (2021) PLoS ONE 16(11): e0239691. Read paper

Matthew R V Ross, Fabian Nippgen, Brian L McGlynn, Christian J Thomas, Alexander C Brooks, Robert K Shriver, Eric M Moore and Emily S Bernhardt. 2021 Environmental Research Letters 16 075004. Read Paper

Park J, Lee J, Seto K, Hochberg T, Wong B, Miller N, Takasaki K, Kubota H, Oozeki Y, Doshi S, Midzik M, Hanich Q, Sullivan B, Woods P and Kroodsma DA. SCIENCE ADVANCES
: EABB1197. Read Paper

Wong BA, Thomas C, Halpin P. Remote Sensing of Environment Nov. 2019 (223). Read Paper

Pericak AA, Thomas CJ, Kroodsma DA, Wasson MF, Ross MRV, Clinton NE, Campagna, DJ, Franklin Y, Bernhardt ES, and Amos JF. (2018) Mapping the yearly extent of surface coal mining in Central Appalachia using Landsat and Google Earth Engine. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0197758. Read paperBlog post

Miller NA, Roan A, Hochberg T, Amos J and Kroodsma DA (2018) Identifying Global Patterns of Transshipment Behavior. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:240. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00240. Read paperBlog post

Kroodsma DA, Mayorga J, Hochberg T, Miller NA, Boerder K, Ferretti F, Wilson A, Bergman B, White TD, Block BA, Woods P, Sullivan B, Costello C, and Worm B. SCIENCE  : 904-908 Read paperBlog post

Kroodsma, DA, Miller NA, and Roan A 2017. “The Global View of Transshipment: Revised Preliminary Findings.” Global Fishing Watch and SkyTruth, July 2017. Available online at Read paperBlog post

McCauley DJ, Woods P, Sullivan B, Bergman B, Jablonicky C, Roan A, Hirshfield M, Boerder C, and Worm B. SCIENCE   : 1148-1150. Read paperBlog post

Robards, MD; Silber, GK; Adams, JD; Arroyo, J; Lorenzini, D; Schwehr, K; Amos, J. Bulletin of Marine Science, Volume 92, Number 1, January 2016, pp. 75-103(29). DOI: Read paper

Bernhardt ES, Lutz BD, King RS, Fay JP, Carter CE, Helton AM, Campagna D, and Amos J. Environmental Science & Technology 2012 46 (15), 8115-8122. DOI: 10.1021/es301144q. Read paper