
Photo by Bruno Melo on Unsplash



Photo by Bruno Melo on Unsplash

Human activities are diminishing biodiversity on Earth

Human activities increasingly impact biodiversity—the wide variety of ecosystems, species, and genes that make up life on Earth—fragmenting habitat, endangering species, and wiping out populations.

Much of SkyTruth’s work protecting biodiversity involves documenting the extent and impacts of extractive activities (such as mining and drilling) and pollution (in the ocean, on land, and in freshwater), including revealing illegal activity. Some projects detect changes in landscapes that signal danger for wildlife.

We often work with nonprofit or university partners, such as Wildlife Conservation Society, Defenders of Wildlife, Global Fishing Watch (launched by SkyTruth in conjunction with Google and Oceana), Appalachian Voices and others. And sometimes we spearhead new initiatives on our own, as we explore the potential for satellite imagery and digital mapping to more clearly illustrate the growing human footprint on our planet.


Biodiversity issues and threats

Thank you to Bjorn Bergman and those at SkyTruth for your diligent work to help preserve the abundant diversity of marine life found in the paradise of Palau! I live in Canada and have had the pleasure of visiting Palau, it simply has to be protected as one of the last Edens of our planet!

Our latest work on biodiversity
