Visualizing the Expansion of Fracking in Pennsylvania: Part 2
/in Biodiversity, Climate, FrackFinder, Freshwater, Hydraulic Fracturing, Natural Gas, Oil & Gas, Timelapse /by Brendan JarrellThis is the second entry in a three-part series visually chronicling the expansion of fracking across Pennsylvania. This series is meant to complement our work mapping setback distances and potential adverse public health consequences in Allegheny County, PA. For more about this work, please check out our blog post or the web app. To see […]
Visualizing the Expansion of Fracking in Pennsylvania: Part 1
/in Biodiversity, Climate, FrackFinder, Freshwater, Hydraulic Fracturing, Natural Gas, Oil & Gas, Timelapse /by Brendan JarrellThis will be the first entry in a three-part series visually chronicling the expansion of natural gas drilling with hydraulic fracturing — fracking — across Pennsylvania. This series is meant to complement our work mapping setback distances and potential adverse public health consequences in Allegheny County, PA. For more about this work, please check out […]
Fracking: Coming to a Backyard Near You?
/in Biodiversity, Climate, FrackFinder, Freshwater, Hydraulic Fracturing, Internship, Natural Gas, Oil & Gas, Timelapse, Watchdog /by Demian NunezLast summer one of our interns, Jerrilyn Goldberg, put together an interactive story map detailing the impact hydraulic fracturing is having on the state of Pennsylvania. The map goes describes the fracking process and its associated risks, and how the growing industry is impacting local communities and the environment. She examines the proposition that switching to […]
Rampal Coal-Fired Power Plant Threatens Sundarbans
/in Biodiversity, Coal, Oil Spill, Protected Area Monitoring, Timelapse /by John AmosThe Sundarbans: a near-mythic landscape of forest and swamp, byzantine river channels and tidal mud flats, one of the last strongholds of the highly endangered Bengal tiger. Straddling the border separating India and Bangladesh, this impenetrable wilderness spans the mouths of the Ganges River as its broad delta meets the stormy Bay of Bengal in the Indian […]

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