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Drilling Fluid “Waterfall” in Colorado – Natural Gas Not So Clean
/in Incidents, Oil & Gas /by John AmosBeen hearing a lot lately about how “clean” natural gas is as an energy source. Well… the Colorado Department of Natural Resources just learned about four spills of waste drilling fluids into Garden Gulch, a tributary of West Parachute Creek in western Colorado. There is intensive drilling for natural gas occurring throughout the area around […]
SkyTruth’s 2008 Board
/in Team /by Amy Mathews AmosOur fabulous SkyTruth Board lineup continues for 2008, with the election of Directors and Officers at our first Board meeting of the new year. This gives us the perfect opportunity to introduce a key part of the SkyTruth team to those of you who don’t know us yet. David Festa continues as Chairman, bringing […]
Bottom Trawling: Sediment Plumes Visible From Space
/in Fishing /by John AmosI’m here in Boston at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). SkyTruth is part of a session looking at the impacts of commercial fishing on the oceans, specifically a technique called bottom-trawling. The trawlers drag heavy nets back and forth on the seafloor, flattening what’s in their path […]
True Spin Conference
/in Presentations /by John AmosI just gave a presentation, “The Use of Advanced Technology for Environmental Outreach Campaigns,” at the second True Spin Conference in Denver. This is a meeting of communications professionals from a broad range of public-benefit organizations, addressing issues like public health, affordable housing, social justice, and the environment. I talked about SkyTruth’s mission to understand […]
San Francisco Bay’s Sneaky Bridges Strike Again!
/in Oil Spill /by John AmosAnother of those treacherous San Francisco Bay bridges – this time the nefarious Richmond-San Rafael bridge – apparently jumped out in the path of a barge carrying nearly 65,000 barrels (2.7 MILLION gallons) of heavy oil last night. The Coast Guard reports that none of the oil has been spilled, although the barge was damaged […]
Atlantic Rim CBM – Big Drilling in Wyoming
/in Oil & Gas /by John AmosPlans to drill for natural gas in Wyoming continue to proliferate. We’ve attempted to simulate one of the more controversial proposals to allow drilling for coalbed methane across a rugged scenic area in south-central Wyoming, noted for wildlife and hunting / recreation opportunities, called the Atlantic Rim. In March 2007, the Bureau of Land Management […]