This directory contains scripts and geospatial data used in, and output by, SkyTruth's updated surface mine analysis. These data are updated versions of those originally published in the PLOS ONE article: "Mapping the Yearly Extent of Surface Coal Mining in Central Appalachia using Landsat and Google Earth Engine". All data are exported from Earth Engine in EPSG:4326, conversions to EPSG:5072 are done locally, using GDAL, RASTERIO, and OGR. The methodology outlined in the PLOS ONE paper utilizes a cleaning method that uses data from preceding and subsequent years to remove errors in detection (e.g. if a pixel is classified as a mine in 1985, non-mine in 1986, and mine in 1987 the data for 1986 is corrected to classify it as a mine. The opposite is also true for pixels classified as non-mine > mine > non-mine). Beginning in 2022, we are making the detections from the current year available, as a provisional dataset (this is indicated in file names). Additional changes could arise from subsequent updates to our US Census Bureau data mask. The data for the current year will be changed to a final version when the annual update for 2024 is published. Please direct inquires to Christian Thomas ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ CONTENTS -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. EE_Scripts (Directory) - This directory contains the Earth Engine scripts used to analyze imagery and identify mining in Central Appalachia. * JavaScript (Directory) * Python (Directory) 2. Mining_Cumulative (Directory) - This directory contains the cumulative mining data as identified from 1985-2022 (and from 1985-2023 provisionally) in a variety of spatial formats. * GeoJSON (Directory) * GeoTIFF (Directory) * Shapefile (Directory) 3. Mining_Yearly (Directory) - This directory contains the yearly identified active mining data in a variety of formats, for each year from 1985-2022 (and from 1985-2023 provisionally). * GeoJSON (Directory) * GeoTIFF (Directory) - Footprints only, band value equal year of mining there is no index info stored in these images * Shapefile (Directory) 4. Other_Data (Directory) - This directory contains geospatial data not output by Earth Engine (Mask & Study Area Boundary). 5. readMe.txt (Text File) - Overview of the Data and Directories present here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- NOTES --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Every directory which contains spatial data (that is any directory named: GeoJSON, GeoTIFF, or Shapefile), provides the data in two CRSes, EPSG:4326 and EPSG:5072. These are found in subdirectories names 4326 and 5072. All spatial files also have their CRS specified in their filename, before the file extension. All conversions between CRSes were done using GDAL and OGR2OGR. e.g. 1985_activeMining_4326.shp is EPSG:4326 1985_activeMining_5072.shp is EPSG:5072 Vectors were exported from Earth Engine as GeoJSON files, rasters were exported as GeoTIFF files. Conversions to shapefiles were performed locally.