Press roundup from the public launch of Global Fishing Watch

Photo credit: SkyTruth/Jenny Allen
Last month marked a big moment for SkyTruth: the public launch of Global Fishing Watch (GFW) with our partners Google and Oceana at the State Department brought an avalanche of great press that we’re excited to share with all you skytruthers.
The UK’s Daily Mail covers Leonardo DiCaprio’s interest in and support of the project. Read Leo’s remarks and Secretary Kerry’s introduction via the State Department transcript here. Scientific American gives our algorithm some props. The New York Times’ Andrew Revkin urges readers to register and explore GFW directly. See how the Washington Post places GFW in the context of broader ocean conservation efforts. Noted enviro reporter Chris Pala gives readers a glimpse of our work with research partners. Vox highlights the potential of GFW and gives a nod to SkyTruth’s past successes using satellite mapping. Find out about the way GFW can harness market forces to encourage more responsible fishing practices from Lauren Williams at ThinkProgress. Ted Danson gives SkyTruth and GFW some love on the Rachael Ray show (second video — good stuff starts around the 2:20 mark).
And this is just a sampling. All in all we had over 200 unique hits in press outlets around the world, creating a surge of interest not just in SkyTruth and in Global Fishing Watch but moreover in the power of sharing technology with the public to solve big environmental problems. Our team worked hard with our partners to make this moment possible. We will be growing and improving Global Fishing Watch in the months to come. In the meantime, we’ll be chewing on the question: what’s the Next Big Thing? Stay tuned.