SkyTruth in The Washington Post
We’re pretty giddy around here today. The Washington Post just published an article and video all about SkyTruth on their website yesterday. It will be the cover story on the print edition of this weekend’s Sunday magazine:
The opening makes us look like omniscient, see-all, Bourne-Identity-like uber-spies. Rest assured the reality is a lot more, well, down to earth. But the article does a great job describing some of the things we’re doing, and how we do them. And with ever-changing technology and communication tools, the opening sequence may not be too far-fetched just a few short years from now.
We’re using this amazing technology to give everyone the ability to see and share what’s happening in the environment, be it just down the block or on the other side of the planet. If you’d like to be part of this movement, please come and join us. We’re looking for tech geeks and programmers, image analysts and graphics pros, fundraisers and financial supporters — people who want to apply their skills and effort to work on behalf of conservation.
And we’re looking for volunteer skytruthers who can spend a few minutes helping us with our first crowd-assisted image analysis project, FrackFinder, to find and map gas drilling and fracking sites.
It’s an exciting time to be at SkyTruth! But it’s still a very big planet, and we can’t watch over it without your help.
very cool stuff
Ted, Thank you for your kind words! Even from Germany, you can give us a hand with our first round of skytruthing that anyone can do–with our crowdsourcing tool we call FrackFinder. We are just asking for really simple image identification right now, but it's a huge help to us and we hope to add new elements to it in time. Please check it out, and keep in touch!
I hope to be a part of your team.
I am a Physical Geography student at Chico State.
My focus is GIS.
Doing such things with Remote Sensing has been a goal of mine since 1978.
Tomorrow I head to Germany to study German for the first year in Tuebingen and then back to Geography the following year in Heidelberg.
I happened upon an article about Skytruth in a Seattle paper at a Denny's while awaiting my East bound flight tomorrow.
How I enjoy the taste of serendipity!
I am grateful to have this website and your combined efforts to benefit from!!
I look forward to a day when I may contribute in kind!
Ted Cahill
Thank you for following this path and performing such service!