We need your help. Volunteers needed. Apply Within!
Do you have experience with Photoshop? We’re looking for some experienced Photoshoppers to assist us in projects such as the one we worked on for the Pebble Mine in Alaska. That photo gallery is located in our Hard Rock Mining collection in Flickr. What we did with the images below is superimpose the proposed Pebble Mine onto an area the size of Seattle, WA and Anchorage, AK to give folks an idea of the sheer size of the mine. We’d like to do more work like this, simulating what a proposed mine would look like, using 3D graphics and Photoshop.
Compare these images of the Pebble Mine as it relates in size to Anchorage, Alaska.
And below are images of Pebble Mine as it relates in size to Seattle, Washington.
Shown below is a simulation of the Rosemont Ranch Mine Site in Arizona.
On top is an image of Grand Mesa, Colorado, and on the bottom is the same area with simulated well-pads for natural gas drilling superimposed on the image. We know the tools and talent are out there to help us do a better job!
What we’re looking for is someone with the tools to better automate the process, making the simulations look more photo realistic. If you have the skills we’re looking for, please drop us a line at teri@skytruth.org and we’ll see how we can work together to create more informative maps.
Remember, if you can see it, you can change it