People’s Oil & Gas Summit 2010
File this under better late than never. On November 19th and 20th, we had the pleasure of participating in the People’s Oil & Gas Summit 2010 in Pittsburgh, PA which was hosted by our friends at Earthworks. Our portion of the event came on Saturday morning in the workshop entitled: Web-based tools for information sharing and documentation. You can see our PowerPoint Presentation here.
With our interactive Gulf Oil Spill Tracker, we were in good company. Also in attendance were Samantha Malone and Chuck Christen from the Center for Healthy Environment and Communities, University of Pittsburgh demonstrating their FracTracker, as well as MIT’s Chris Csikszentmihalyi demonstrating ExtrAct Tools like Well Watch, Landman Report Card and News Positioning System.
The keynote speaker Saturday evening was filmmaker Josh Fox via Skype from Australia. Josh’s film Gasland hit home for a lot of people, whether they have been affected by natural gas drilling or not. The film generated quite a buzz at the American Conservation Film Festival here in Shepherdstown in November, and it’s moved on to the final 15 in its class for a 2010 Academy Award.